Breakfast series

Fig & Nut Oats

A simple breakfast with only four-ingredients, that will give you a great start to your day!


  1. 1/2 cup oats (or oats with quinoa, flaxseed)
  2. 3 dried figs
  3. A handful of nuts/seeds (pumpkin seeds used here)
  4. 3 tbsp yoghurt
Fig and Nut Oats Ingredients


  1. 1/2 cup oats (or oats with quinoa, flaxseed)
  2. 3 dried figs
  3. A handful of nuts/seeds (pumpkin seeds used here)
  4. 3 tbsp yoghurt



  • Wash oats and add just a bit of water. Cook covered in microwave for 1 minute
  • Stir oats and let them cool, then spoon in yoghurt and stir.  Top with nuts and washed figs
Fig and Nut Oats - Method

Enjoy, but beware of lurking felines!

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