Salad series

Cucumber salad

A light and refreshing side salad


  1. 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
  2. Pinch of black pepper
  3. Pinch of salt
  4. Pinch of sugar
  5. 2 cucumbers
  6. 1/2 onion
  7. Sprig of basil
Cucumber Salad - ingredients


  1. 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
  2. Pinch of black pepper
  3. Pinch of salt
  4. Pinch of sugar
  5. 2 cucumbers
  6. 1/2 an onion
  7. Sprig of basil



  • Slice the cucumber and onion
  • Mix the cucumber, onion and basil together
Cucumber Salad - method


  • Mix other ingredients – apple cider vinegar, salt, pepper and sugar in a small bowl and pour over veggies and toss!
Cucumber Salad - method 2

Serve as a refreshing side to any main meal

Cucumber Salad

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